Thursday, November 4, 2010

Assignment 5: Capturing Motion

This weeks assignment is "controlling motion." I walked downtown with no luck, so I headed back to campus with visions of action at the recreation center around 3PM yesterday. Unfortunately, all I saw was a soccer team warming up and I wasn’t keen on waiting around for the game to get moving. I kept walking, until I heard drum beats floating out of Red Square. It’s common for musicians to play in the nice acoustics of the space, but I found a whole group playing today. There seemed to be three or four core players, with pedestrians stopping to play and sing.

In my photo, Aaron Konsuer, 18, Kwabena Amoah-Forson, 20, and Jimmy Austin, 19, play together in Red Square for their weekly "wailing Wednesday." I chose a long shutter speed to show the action, at f/22.

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