Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Assignment 2: Icebreaker

Our second assignment involved asking a question and taking a portrait of of subject, the question being: "If money were no object, what would be your dream job?" I'm still working on approaching people, but this assignment is true to it's name.

Gordon Hempton, 57, currently an Audio Ecologist, author and founder of One Square Inch of Silence. This is a project to eliminate noise pollution from Olympic National Park, and eventually all of our national parks, by turning them into no-fly-zones. Hempton said his dream job is exactly what he's doing right now, "My daughter asked me a similar question: Dad, what's you dream car? And she couldn't believe it when I said that VW bus I drive right now." Hempton has traveled the United States in his bus, recording natural silence while it still exists.

Since her freshman year, Laura Jones, 21, has been a life drawing model at Western Washington University. Jones says she has plans of a future career with art, as an art therapist. "I'd like to help kids that have a psychological setback," Jones says, "to show them they can create things that last forever".

Marty Hitchcock, 60, says she always wondered what career she might have as an adult. Now, working as an adviser in the department of accounting at Western Washington University, she has realized what she wants to be: "retired."

A junior in the industrial deign department at Western Washington University, Ryan Hume, 21, says he would like to use his art and design skills to become a successful freelance concept artist. Hume says he'd like to "inspire the animated sequences" of films, without the "nitty gritty computer work" of being an animator. It's important that the objects in the film function realistically, says Hume, which his design experience will provide.

Tom Evans, 57, finds his quite spot in the Outback Garden in Fairhaven at Western Washington University, drawn to a cinder block seat beside the beehives. Tom said that over his life, he realized his main need; "What I've come up with, is I've got to have a link with with water." Evans is a retired electrician who has lived in six states before settling
in Bellingham with his wife Annie , and buying a sailboat. "You've got to find a way to get your driving needs met," Evan says. His goal is to someday circumnavigate either the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean with Annie; "Usually the man is very gung-ho," but Evans says Annie is the one that really takes charge on their adventures. Now, their problem is just picking an ocean.

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